Parish Organizations:

Pastoral Council

  • Pastoral Council - Church leaders who volunteer to meet regarding parish activities and concerns
  • Finance Committee: Meet monthly to discuss and make financial decisions for the church and parish.
  • Rosary Alter Society - Organization that is devoted to Blessed Virgin Mary. It helps to promote and aid the parish spiritually by performing any activities for the care and well being of the Church.
  • Prime Timers: Retired Parishioners meet monthly, for fellowship.
  • Building and Grounds - Chairperson:  John Homan
  • Calvary Cemetery Crew

Parish Ministries:

  • Prayer Chain  - Coordinator:  Joyce Plumer and Mary Schneider
  • Bread Basket - Coordinators: Terry Woods and Pat Nurss
  • Bereavement Committee
  • Alter Servers

Alter Servers
  • Eucharist Ministers
  • Home Communion Ministers
  • Lectors
  • Greeters
  • Ushers
  • Music Ministry - Choir Director Susan Drelick, Accompanist: Kathy Bailey

Music Ministers
  • Funeral Servers
  • Visiting the Shut Ins
  • Collection Counters
  • Quilters
  • Rummage Sale workers

                                                                                                                            Photos courtesy of Mrs. Mary Kay Lowery